Who I Am

My photo
Springfield, Ma, United States
During my extensive research on the history and the caretaking of natural hair these are the findings that I have came across to be either helpful or interresting for those who are trying to achieve natural hair or are natural already. Enjoy! -Gotcurls? Disclaimer: Gotcurls? is no way affiliated or representing any of the companies that are mentioned.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Big Chop

Martin Luther King Day marks a day in history for me. Not just because of the great MLK and his many sacrifices that he made for each and one of our very lives, but because... I did the Big Chop!!! I've been 2 months post relaxer and I would like to results more obvious, so I did it! I took hair shears, co washed my hair and before rinsing, I stretched the curl and cut off the relaxed ends... and I feel.... BEAUTIFUL.

                                                     Here is my first length check: 
Along with the natural hair tips
that I have been providing, I will 

also allow you all to follow 

me while I embark on my, now, 
All Natural Hair Journey!